The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), will we achieve it?

Do you know what the UN Sustainable Development Goals are, or at least part of them?

ODS. Source: United Nations of Brazil
ODS. Source: United Nations of Brazil

In recent conversations with some partners from some sectors of industry and commerce, the following question arose: “Do you know what the UN Sustainable Development Goals are, or at least part of them?”. The almost unanimous answer was “No”. Although I wasn’t surprised by the fact that the answer was “no”, I was surprised by the fact that it was almost unanimous.

This majority response motivated me to find out a little more about other people’s knowledge of the SDGs. The next day I asked the same question to colleagues in the environmental area or who are somehow related to the environmental area and the result was also disheartening. About half of the people said that they knew about the existence of the objectives, but that they didn’t know how many and what they were. And it was then that the motivation to write this short post arose explaining what the SDGs are in a simple and summarized way.

"…are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all people."

Since 2016, 17 global goals have been set in motion, defined by around 150 world leaders, which need to be implemented by all countries in the next 15 years, that is, until 2030.

These goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure peace and prosperity for all people. These goals demand a spirit of collaboration and pragmatism among countries and provide clear targets that must be adopted by all.

Discover all 17 UN SDGs below (extracted in full from ONUBR):

Each of these goals aims to end global problems related to specific issues such as poverty, environment, peace and justice. And as a result, it generated an agenda to be followed by all countries, which in the case of Brazil is the 2030 Agenda Platform. This agenda, in addition to including the 17 SDGs, contains an action plan and a list of tasks for all people, with the aim of eradicating poverty, protecting the planet and ensuring that people achieve peace and prosperity by 2030.

A large part of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 SDG action plans will only have relevant effects if they are taken seriously by the representatives and managers of our countries and especially by us as agents of change. However, today, with 9 years left for 2030, and considering the current conjecture of the political and economic scenario in Brazil, I ask myself, will we make it?

Do you want to know more about our projects related to the SDGs and the goals of the 2030 Agenda? Contact us!

Geison Mesquita

Geison Mesquita

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